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Getting Started with Cooee 101

Installing Cooee is as easy as the push of a button. Literally. Install, analyze and engage.

Wondering how to get started with Cooee? Look no further. 

Installing Cooee is as easy as the push of a button. Literally. On the homepage of our website, look for the install button, which will take you straight to our page on the Shopify App Store. As easy as pressing “Install”, Cooee will be installed on your Shopify website and you can sit back and watch the magic happen. 

As for compatibility with your Shopify store, Cooee integrates seamlessly with your existing technology. We import product information without disrupting or slowing down your processes. And on top of that, Cooee provides user experience optimization, making your customers want to use your site more than ever before. 

Cooee performs real-time intent analyses, evaluating recent purchases to provide valuable business insights. We get started with your website in 3 easy steps. 

  1. Integrate: Cooee integrates seamlessly with your Shopify store, importing product info. It works silently in the background, making sure your online store remains fast and user-friendly while your visitors shop.
  2. Analyze: First, our customer intent tracking gathers information on 200+ different types of browsing activities, using our intent recognition technology to categorise your customers into real-time intent-based groups. Cooee’s analyses also provide you with journey mapping capabilities to know how best to target different customers in different stages. ‍
  3. Engage: From there, we engage your customers by creating hyper-personalised campaigns to achieve significant conversion rate enhancement. And best of all, this requires no skills or experience on your part. 
Cooee’s AI-driven CRO Copilot will create pop-ups, and embeds, and help you perform A/B testing on your website.
  • Our pop-ups are 1-to-1 personalised and designed to guide your visitor to check-out. They boast dynamic personalization through naming, adaptable discounts, UTM tracking, product recommendations, and much more. 
  • Our embeds are, dare I say it, even better. Through embeds, we help you effortlessly integrate your products throughout various sections of your website. Cooee’s meticulously crafted embeds ensure a seamless and immersive experience for your visitors, strategically place your offerings throughout your site and provide guidance through customer journeys. 
  • Lastly, our A/B testing will help you optimise your marketing strategies, and take advantage of the aforementioned pop-ups and embeds to the fullest. Through our testing, you can effectively initiate personalised experiments within your campaigns and make strides toward maximum effectiveness and engagement.

Installing Cooee affords your business with immeasurable benefits. 

Except it is measurable!

Cooee helps you improve your marketing across the board, delivering real impact. Marketers across the globe simply cannot get enough of us. With Cooee, you can expect your conversion rates to increase 10x, and your return on investment to increase 5x. 

And if that’s not enough, with Cooee, customers add to cart 60x more than before, display an 80% increase in session duration, and AoV is boosted to 10 times what it was before. Furthermore, Cooee helps businesses reduce 95% of their operations time. 

On top of that, every single review of Cooee by customers has been 5 stars. Working with Cooee has given our customers success upon success. Experiencing low conversion rates, premature sales funnel exits, and declining user engagement rates, India’s top natural skincare company turned to Cooee. With our advanced conversion funnel analysis and our extensive knowledge of intent-based marketing, a solution was devised almost instantly. 

Cooee’s thorough analysis of the company revealed a pattern: while there was a large quantity of website visitors, many left the sales funnel due to a lack of trust in the brand. With this revelation, Cooee immediately formulated a specific, targeted approach to take on the challenge the brand was facing. 

With our sophisticated algorithms, we made it our mission to re-engage the skincare brand’s website visitors by analysing their browsing behaviours. Once this analysis was complete, Cooee generated personalised, intent driven pop-ups with the goal of gaining visitor trust. Through this campaign, the attention and trust of the visitors was increased and they were easily guided back to the sales funnel and eventually check-out. 

As a result of this: 
  • Website engagement increased by 41%
  • Impressions grew by 3.2K
  • Add to Carts increased by 1.2K
  • â‚ą 65K Revenue Increase in 6 months

This isn’t the only example. When The Decor Kart, a well known Indian brand, began to experience crippling low conversion rates and an abnormally large growth in cart abandonment, they knew they needed a solution and came straight to us at Cooee. 

Noticing the low conversion rates and cart abandonment immediately, Cooee was able to quickly and efficiently handle the situation. Our team devised a plan to show The Decor Kart’s customers personalised pop-up messages to remind them of the items they had added to their carts. In addition, the pop-ups featured positive reviews from other customers to increase potential buyers’ trust in the brand. This strategy was a prime example of Cooee’s unmatched skill in conversion optimization.

  • Impressions grew by 1.2K
  • High Engagement Rate grew to 30%
  • Additional Orders grew by 33
  • â‚ą 100K Revenue Increase in 15 days

Our positive impact can be seen across the board for a variety of brands. Our knowledge of real-time intent is invaluable and has made an impact on many companies. Get started with Cooee today and experience the difference for yourself. 

How can Cooee help?

At Cooee, we specialize in transforming customer journeys into personalized experiences that drive conversions. Our AI-powered platform enables brands to engage with users in a meaningful way, delivering immersive and effective user engagement at an affordable price point. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of each visitor, we create tailored promotions that leverage real-time intent, ensuring that your messages resonate with your audience.

If you are interested in our product feel free to contact us or book a demo.


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